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Health and Safety Policies

Westside Mat Monsters is committed to upholding excellent levels of health and safety in order to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all our athletes, coaches, and visitors, and providing activities in a safe environment without risk as far as is reasonably practicable. We strictly adhere to the guidelines established by the USA Wrestling Organization.

The overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with the directors and lead coaches. Day to day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice, notably at club times, is delegated to Coach Aldo Juliano, Lead Coach & Director. All adults will be made aware of the contents of this policy as part of the induction process and be encouraged to take responsibility for ensuring their own personal health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions.

Westside Mat Monsters will:

  • Obtain and maintain adequate insurance to cover all potential liabilities, with this information publicly displayed.

  • Ensure equipment is consistently maintained in a safe condition and provide training in its safe use. This includes regular fire extinguisher tests conducted by our external provider, with appropriate records maintained.

  • Control health and safety risks from our activities through thorough risk assessments.

  • Conduct regular fire drills and ensure all individuals are familiar with emergency exits, which are clearly marked and well-identified (refer to Fire Evacuation Procedures).

  • Establish and prominently display emergency procedures for fire, incidents, accidents, and illness within the premises.

  • Maintain necessary health and safety records, including an Accident Book.

  • Regularly check the First Aid box and ensure all leaders are aware of its location.

  • Offer First Aid/CPR training to all leaders.

  • Safely store, handle, and label any hazardous materials.

  • Provide relevant information and encourage leaders to undergo training on health and safety matters.

  • Promptly investigate accidents.

  • Conduct regular safety inspections of the building and gym areas.

Coaches and staff:

All workers, including helpers, have a responsibility to ensure their own health and safety, as well as that of others, and are expected to:

  • Promptly report any significant hazards or equipment malfunctions to the directors, either verbally or via email.

  • Follow all instructions, whether written or verbal, to promote personal safety and the safety of others.

  • Dress appropriately and safely for their specific tasks, location, and conditions, and utilize all provided safety equipment effectively.

  • Refrain from any improvisation that could pose unnecessary risks to health and safety (e.g., using chairs for elevation).

  • Obtain appropriate authorization before bringing any personal tools, substances, or equipment into the Mat Monsters Gym that may pose a hazard to themselves or others.

  • Undergo complete training in child abuse and neglect identification, training in child abuse and neglect reporting, and online mandated reporter training, on account of California AB 506.

  • Report all accidents, regardless of injury, and any incidents of violence or aggression to the directors. 

  • Attend and actively participate in required training sessions.

  • Familiarize themselves with emergency evacuation procedures, the locations of fire alarms, equipment, and exits.

Westside Mat Monsters' Sexual Misconduct Policy

Standard of Conduct:

All workers, whether volunteers or paid, full-time or part-time, at Westside Mat Monsters, are required to adhere strictly to the policy on Sexual Misconduct. Any violations of this policy will be addressed promptly and may result in disciplinary actions, including termination, and potential legal consequences where applicable.


Pre-screening of workers:

  • All paid workers, both part-time and full-time, are required to complete an application and undergo a Live Scan background check, on account of California AB 506.

  • All volunteer workers are required to complete a volunteer application and undergo a Live Scan background check, on account of California AB 506.

  • All workers, whether volunteer or paid, full-time or part-time, will undergo an interview conducted by an authorized representative from the relevant department.

  • All workers, whether volunteer or paid, full-time or part-time, must provide a valid form of identification (e.g., state driver’s license, social security card, or another acceptable form).

  • All workers, whether volunteer or paid, full-time or part-time, must provide at least two (2) professional or personal references as part of the application process. These references will be verified by an authorized representative, who will note any information they attempted to verify but could not obtain.

  • All workers, whether volunteer or paid, full-time or part-time, are required to sign a release for a Criminal Records Check, to be used at the discretion of the facility.

  • All full-time paid workers must sign a release for a Criminal Records Check and undergo a criminal background check before commencing employment with the facility.

  • All workers in leadership positions directly involving children must have been active members of Westside Mat Monsters for a minimum of six (6) months before assuming their roles.

  • No applicant or volunteer with a prior conviction related to sexual crimes is eligible for any position directly involving children within the facility.


Reporting Procedures:

  • Seriousness of Allegations: All allegations must be taken seriously.

  • Reporting Allegations: Immediately report all allegations to the designated authority and/or Human Resources.

  • Notification of Parents or Legal Guardians: The established authority and/or Human Resources will notify the parents or legal guardians of the child involved.

  • Handling Allegations: Handle all situations with transparency, respecting individuals' privacy and confidentiality.

  • Cooperation with Civil Authorities: Fully cooperate with civil authorities as required.

  • Protection of Victims: Until the safety of the child or victim is secured, only established authorities and/or Human Resources will communicate with the accused.

  • Protection against Retaliation: Ensure no victim or individual reporting an allegation faces retaliation.


Investigation of Allegations:

  • Expeditious Investigation: Conduct prompt investigations of all allegations by established authorities and/or Human Resources.

  • Temporary Relief of Duties: Temporarily relieve any accused worker of their duties pending the completion of the investigation.

  • Confidentiality: Maintain confidentiality of all details, interviews, and information among those legitimately involved in the investigation. Breaches of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

  • Protection against Retaliation: Ensure no individual involved in an allegation or anyone responsible for investigating an allegation faces retaliation.


©2021 by Westside Mat Monsters Inc. (Non-Profit Club 501C3)

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